Chattanooga DBT

Individual Therapy
In individual therapy, you will learn skills, apply them to current issues in your life, track your progress and enhance your motivation. We do this by:
* Assessing and treatment planning
* Reviewing diary cards each session
* Conducting behavioral chain analysis
* Making sure that skills are generalizing to your life
* Monitoring your progress
* Collaboratively creating homework for the week

Skills Groups
Skills groups provide participants with the opportunity to learn and practice skills in a classroom setting with support and encouragement from each other. Skills Groups start with a mindfulness exercise, homework review and discussion, followed by new material being taught, and then ends with a wind down and observations. If you are interested in attending Skills Group only, you must have an individual therapist outside of Chattanooga DBT.
[$60 self-pay]
-Sliding scale available as needed
Teen Multifamily Skills Group:
Wednesday from 5:00PM-6:30PM
(teen's must be joined by at least one primary caregiver for group]

Phone Coaching
You know that moment when life goes sideways and you really need to talk to your therapist? Well guess what? In DBT you get to! In fact, we need you to. In those really hard moments we can coach you through using all those skills you've been learning and how they can help you create a life you love. A typical phone coaching call lasts about 10-15 minutes and we usually want to know what skills you've already started to use.

Consultation Team
Our providers meet weekly as a team to motivate one another, seek and share guidance, manage the high stress and potential burnout that often comes with treating clients at high risk of suicide, and hold each other accountable to the guiding principles of DBT.
At Chattanooga DBT, we conceptualize our DBT program as a community of therapists treating a community of clients.